Tradies need to be on social media that is a fact. If these skilled electricians, plumbers and the like are courting business with Joe public, then, they must be in the virtual vicinity. Most folks are online in 2020, whether it be on their smart phone or computer. These monkeys are staring down at their small screens and typing madly away. Social media marketing for electricians: Sparkies on fire is a complete no brainer if these contractors want to be successful. The world is a rapidly changing place, as we have seen with this COVID pandemic.


The More Social Media Platforms Utilised the Better


Adapting to the new working environment is a necessity if making money is still important. For instance, these fantastic electrician Facebook posts by KM Electric in Sydney fly the flag for this organisation. Those needing a sparkie in this neck of the woods or for these particular services will be able to readily access this information. The more social media platforms utilised for info and images pertaining to the promotion of these services will enhance the prosperity of the contractor or business doing the posting. Social media marketing for electricians: Sparkies on fire and creating a frenzy for fans to tune into.


A Social Media Marketing Agency Can Make A World of Difference


A social media marketing agency can cover this territory for businesses and individuals who would prefer to stick to what they are good at – namely fixing wires and installing new technology. Let the experts handle their various areas of relevancy and the world will be a more prosperous place for all. Hitting all the right buttons via social media can make a huge difference to bottom line in business. Afterall it is all about getting more customers and access to the right clientele. Creative and effective social media campaigns can ring the cash register bells like a cathedral on Sundays.



Electricians provide an essential service in the 21C. Can anyone imagine a life without current or places to plug in your phone charger? Good electrical contractors are worth their weight in gold and they should have their message sung loudly to the rafters. Letting people know about what they do and where they ply their trade is vital for all concerned. It is more public duty than self-promotion in my book. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and the like are perfect for spreading the word.